What is LOGFAS?
Logistics Functional Area Services (LOGFAS) is the suite of tools supporting NATO logistics processes for strategic movement and transportation, multinational deployment planning and execution, in-theatre movement scheduling, and sustainment planning. It is developed, maintained and supported by the Service Support and Business Application of NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA).
Why is LOGFAS important?
NATO LOGFAS is the cornerstone of multinational and joint interoperability. It integrates and manages logistics information at the enterprise level and across NATO Allies and Partners. It offers data management and analytics capabilities through modules that support planning and execution of logistics operations.
LOGFAS benefits are multifold:
- Enables multinational collaboration with NATO Allies and Partners in the planning and execution of Multinational logistics operations,
- Enables joint collaboration within the joint logistics enterprise,
- Works in degraded mode when connectivity is not available during operations,
- Access to a Common Operational Picture with different capabilities available in one click. For example: simulate the movement planning in LOGFAS, or access real-time and historical dashboard and map with JEDI MNLOGCOP.
How LOGFAS supports the military logistics process

The main logistics process phases as captured in LOGFAS are described below:
- Force Profile and Holdings definition
- Forces definition (including their attributes and organization)
- Items definition (including their attributes and categories)
- Force holdings definition
- Sustainment planning
- Parameters configuration
- Requirements simulation and prediction
- Deployment planning
- Detailed Deployment Plan definition
- Movements & Assets configuration
- Planned cargo manifest definition
- Deployment execution
- Execution mission times visualization
- Actual cargo manifest retrieval
- Movements tracking
- Logistics reporting
- Operational level logistics assessment
- Current state of items monitoring
What are the LOGFAS modules?

Geographical Manager (GEOMAN)
GEOMAN is used to manage the maps, locations, and networks. GEOMAN locations include air and sea ports. The networks / routes include air, inland waterways, pipelines, rail, road, and sea. Additional infrastructure information such as runways and berths can also be included.
LOGFAS Data Management (LDM)
LDM is used for all data management and data reporting. This includes information about Forces, Items, Assets, and their relationships with one another.
Allied Deployment and Movement System (ADAMS)
ADAMS supports:
- the planning and monitoring of strategic deployments within the desired area of responsibility
- movement coordination and deconfliction
- force and asset assignments and scheduling
Coalition Reception Staging Onward Movement (CORSOM)
Like ADAMS, CORSOM is used to improve reception, staging, and onward movement (RSOM) operations during deployments. CORSOM also includes planning, analysis and deconfliction activities as well as visibility and monitoring of RSOM activities during the deployment.
Effective Visible Execution (EVE)
EVE supports the deployment execution and provides visibility of movement and transportation of assets. EVE also supports the review, prioritization and coordination of movement and transportation.
Supply Distribution Model (SDM)
SDM is a decision-support tool used to test operation resupply and sustainment policies for different scenarios.
Sustainment Planning Model (SPM)
SPM handles Operation Sustainment Planning and packaging, Strategic Stockpile Planning for commodities, and Sustainability Analysis for forces.
How is a LOGFAS Training organized?
Our training is tailored to your needs, starting with a generic overview followed by additional module training of your choice. All training sessions are live and given by our qualified instructors, in-person or virtually through our online and secure e-learning center.

How to get the user guide and the tools?
Any NATO member can obtain LOGFAS through their appropriate channels.
Do you need help?
Check our LOGFAS Training and Consulting page.